Strike that. Reverse it!



.......from yet another EFB! Not sure if thats a good thing or not to be honest. Desperation kicked in 20 minutes ago when I realised that all those "great blip ideas" I had thought throughout the day were just that and I'd failed to take a single shot :( So I was walking around, my shockingly ornament deprived house, interrupting Mr F's cube viewing, looking for a blip, any blip. So flowers at the ready but my conscience was saying NOOOOO Gem not another flower blip please! Thats fine but conscience come up with some blippin ideas if you're going to bin the one good idea I had.

So here we are an emergency pencil blip. Am I happy with it? No! why? because I have no violet pencil. Colours have to go ROYGBIV these don't in fact it goes to pot at Indigo. Damn you OCD, I'll probably be having nightmares about the colour order :0)

Anyhow, lots of waffle and very little point. If you've read this far well done. Today has been a great day but so busy. Isn't it great how sunny its been and how we can finally get out in the garden. I really hope tomorrow is the same.

Hope you've all had as good a Saturday as I have. Enjoy your evening and I will see you tomorrow :0) xxx

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