
By sydbin


I did say I'd go back to Links Market to catch the essence of the Fair. It was an interesting hour. Hordes of teenyboppers and teenagers flowed to and fro strutting in a slow dance, conscious of their haunting air of mutual attractiveness. Then suddenly as the text message rippled from group to group they energised into a wind flashing through the crowds towards the incident about to occur - the jungle drums beat and the call is answered.
Other than that there was little to hold my interest - loads of police, stewards, first aid teams and wearied families with small children and as you can see above a real flash of excitement now and again.
I left at 9 pm and they say things brighten up after that. But then I'm getting older and Olive said I should be back with the blip before 10pm and who am I to argue?
But you nearly didn't get a blip!

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