"I'm Leaning on a Lamppost"

This is the lamppost that Lucy first discovered after passing through a wardrobe and finding herself in a Narnian forest. I don't remember why there was a single lamppost in the middle of the forest, but I do remember that it was very cold and the place was covered in snow; apparently a spell by the White Witch "always Winter but never Christmas", not very nice!

This particular lamppost is on Cottage Lane in Shottery.  In the UK we don't get much snow at the end of May, rain yes, snow no, so I had to apply a little photo magic to make it look like it's in a snowy forest. 

I spotted Aslan (see extras) in a display window used by Escape Arts showcasing books, appropriately. He seems to have gone to seed a bit since the 1950 book, and it looks like his mobility is via a set of wheels.  On the other hand it could be a wicked trick by the Witch after he gave himself to her in return for the release of Lucy's brother Edmund.

MM Theme: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C S Lewis

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