The Nine Stanes of Mulloch Wood

Another "adventure" to visit some more Pictish Stones. Our guide book is ‘Sacred Scotland’ by Marianna Lines. We knew Marianna for only a short time before she died. She left behind a remarkable book.

This particular can be found at NO 7233 9122. which is the Ordnance Survey Maps. I knew exactly how to this particular location but was surprised how much the areas covered in forestry woodland had changed.

The extra shows the rather ominous clouds we were walking under, however the rain did hold off. The main shows 3 of the 9 stones surrounded by felled trees.

Marianna described them located in a forest glade, but the forestry had cleared away much of the forest. They had been very careful to fell the trees surrounding the circle and left them as a circle round the stones.

Removing the trees is very difficult without disturbing the stones.

There are another two stone circles nearby, however, getting to these is quite an expedition.

After taking about 50 photographs from various viewpoints we drove back to Stonehaven and ate fish and chips, before collecting our orders of whisky and treacle ice cream to take home.

Of course we had little tubs which we ate in the car. The drive home was straightforward and I sat on the inside Lane at steady 60 which is more relaxing than spending most time at 70 in the outside lane.

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