Windmill 'De Lelie', Scharendijke

'Lelie' = 'LAY-lee' = 'Lily'
Scharendijke = 'SHKHa-run-DAI-kuh'
'Schaar' actually means 'scissors', and a 'dijk'= sounds like and means 'dike', but I do not see a scissors-shaped anything in the area, so maybe 500 years ago there was a fork in the road or on the dike somewhere here.  A creative guess.

Do you notice the grey sheet of cloud entering the stage from the left?  I was fortunate the sun hadn't been completely blocked out yet.   As for the Lily, she's a cute little thing, I think.  Not to be fooled, as she was built in 1868 and has just been repaired.  Right next to her is a thriving pancake restaurant.  What is it with these windmills... if it's not a café, it's ice cream or pancakes or bread.  But I think I see the connection with pancakes and bread -- the flour would have been milled right next to the restaurant.  There are also windmills next to pet shops -- grain can also be fed to birds instead of being ground in the mill.

My 250th windmill.
Two full years of the hunt, 01 June 2020 to 01 June 2022, with an average of 125 windmills per year.  No idea if I can keep up with this 'speed', but I have seen places I never would have visited otherwise.

The usual activities for the rest of the day.  Finished another MOOC, again with a 93% mark, but MOOCking will go on for another six weeks, in between all the other activities planned for June, including an increase in communication between MNL and myself.  The Viking is in overdrive.  Afternoon naps have been a huge help.

Less sunny weather the next two days.

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