Diary of a Homeowner

By JennyWrenny

Hello Kitty

I bet some of you thought for a moment, I'd actually spent my Sunday adopting a kitty, but no, this is a neighbour's cat. She is the most brazen cat I have ever come across. You can shout and shoo at her and she will just stare you out. It turns out though, she is a little bit camera shy, and shoving the camera in her face seems to do the trick when you need to scare her off, like when she went for a wee right up my newly built planters. I love the way the green of her eyes, match the greenery around her though. She is very pretty.

A big thank you to everyone who commented yesterday. I'm loving playing around with the tricks of the new camera. I went for a compact one in the end that I can carry around with me, because it's the journal aspect I like of this site. I've also realised that unless your fork out a fortune, you are never going to be able to do all types of photography with one camera. So, I've sacrificed the big zoom of the bridge cameras I've been using, hoping it will stop me trying to get that amazing sparrow shot that never comes out properly anyway, and enable me take in and record the world around me, without becoming a distraction.

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