Under The Bridge At Bourton

We've had a fun day in Bourton-on-the-Water.

We started off in Birdland (getting our money's worth this year from our season tickets). The newish penguin enclosure (1st extra) is good to see, though I didn't get any photos I liked enough for the main blip. I thought I had some good underwater ones (2nd extra), but they looked much better in the camera than on the screen.

After lunch we wandered into the village itself. It was heaving. The boys played Poohsticks (3rd extra) but really wanted to paddle in the river (main blip). Once they were in it was hard to get them out again, even though it looked like hypothermia was about to set in, especially as it had started to rain by then. Eventually we got them out. The rain got heavier and I was quite wet by the time we got back to the car.

I've started to recycle my extras big time. I've added three new extras from last night's Jubilee beacon lighting ceremony. That was fun too.

One year ago:
I love this shot of the boys from last year. Joe has changed such a lot since then. The wooden track is all over the floor again this year.

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