Woman Walking

By njoyce06

A Peaceful and relaxing Saturday.......

What a lovely day.   I woke up late, Abby woke up late, and then I had had just a couple of errands to run.    The orthotics in my shoes are worn.  My feet hurt.   I got plantar fasciitis from working 18 hour shifts at the hospital.  When the old ones wear out, my feet hurt.  Put in new ones and no more pain, no matter what I do.  
      So,  off to the bike shop to order new ones, problem solved.
  Errand 2:  No food in the villa.   Off to the store to get fresh fruit, veggies, bread, and other items.    It was great to get grapes, apples lettuce, milk, cereal, and a sundry of other items.  Yum!!!
Errand 3:  off to the mailbox, a package was in.
Errand 4:  Walk Abby and play out in the retention pond.  While we were there, I saw the beautiful clouds in the sky.  This time of year, the billow clouds are really nice, Blip done.  Then Abby and I played some more, checked on my neighbor, and got home just in time to miss the shower.
    Abby and I sit on the couch, snuggle, and enjoy some Netflix.   What a lovely day!

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