A Day In The Life

By Irish59


I like how the tall grass moves with the wind, then a pinch of BeCasso, voilà, my blip is done :) • The red-bellied and downy woodpeckers have been busy over the last few days feeding their nestlings. I know this because of the frequent trips to the feeder to fill their beaks then race home. Can’t wait to meet the kids • A sunny but cool day. It was perfect for opening windows and cleaning floors. I also had the Ukraine vs Wales soccer/football game on. Wales won 1-0 from an earlier penalty kick, but the player of the game was their Goalie. Wow, so impressive! He alone kept the Ukrainian team scoreless. I was cheering on Ukraine but I am happy to see Wales move on to The World Cup • Another weekend is coming to a close. I wish for a peaceful week ahead (wishful is more like it) and hope Congress passes gun safety legislation. They need to focus more on public safety, and less on gun owner rights, and campaign contributions (aka NRA). The daily shootings happening in this country are outrageous and worsen by the day • Be Well & Hugs from Maine!

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