T(hor)'s B(utt)!

My son. He just turned 9 years old last month but sometimes thinks he is still six years old because he has been "spoiled" by Gramps, Gramma, other relatives, myself and even B (and whenever we feel "guilty" we usually succumb to whatever he wants). Can't speak for him or B though because they both object and claim "they did not say that" or that "they did not do that" so sometimes I just take photos and videos to record/document the day in case one of them (everyone at home) forgets. A photograph, after all is just a record of fleeting moments and emotions. The final output which is shared in galleries, picture books, and social media is often difficult to trust especially if you are in the likes of yours truly who  has been working in the industry for more than a decade as both photographer, editor, layout artist (and other jobs). 

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