Morning Mist in Quarff

Woke up to a misty morning in Scalloway.  As I headed to work, it soon cleared and a glorious sunny day, calm too.  A cloudy evening, and a breeze.

Early shift this week in the airport.  I was on the check-in desk this morning, and then meeting and boarding flights the rest of the day.  Everything fell apart in the afternoon, resulting in long delays and Edinburgh last flight being cancelled, due to a broken down aircraft.  I've been busy in the peat hill, finally finished casting all my peats. I even managed to raise a few too.  Early to bed tonight.

Generally in Shetland, the mist lies on the south east coast, not today.  When I opened the curtains, I could barely see 100ft in front of me, and panicked about flights for the day.  As I left for work at 5.45am, I could see the sun as I drove up the Scord, and came in a beautiful land of sunshine, which fairly cheered me up.  Quarff has a valley that runs east to west, and generally the mist creeps that way, not today, it was creeping through from the west.  Looking towards the valley, Quarff. 

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