Jubilee London …

Yesterday was Jubilee Local compared to todays Jubilee London … although we did have a special Jubilee church service first (& delighted that Borys came with us, managed to follow the sermon, and was made to feel welcome).

We headed up to London with a picnic, with Borys and Parsa, hoping to see the Pageant.

They were seriously crowd controlling with oodles of police and security so we did wander this way and then that before eventually settling on a grass and big screen vibe with a few thousand others. It was perfect actually. Grateful for decent weather.

Highlight of the day? Big big smile … we were walking and a convoy of cars drove passed us slowly, and as one big black car passed, not even 10 metres away from me, I saw Prince William smiling his huge smile and waving. We all saw him. I think I screeched quite loudly as I pointed … :-))

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