
By BoneShaker

The Inhuman League

Following on from shooting the Sheffield Steel Rollergirls


Violet Death

I was asked to shoot the Sheffield mens roller derby team. The Inhuman League. I love doing this sort of shoot now as the teams are so much fun and always really cool. I love the identity of Roller derby skaters. They have their own identity as a skater including their own name . They also have a team they skate, live and breathe with. Its a whole world and I'd LOVE to do more portraits from other teams in the UK... or even the world...

This is "Bludgen Malone" who's clockwork orange look blew me away today. It was a challenge lighting under the hat and picking out his eye but it was worth it. guy was cool!!

Roller derby attitude! Thank you to The Inhuman league for a great afternoon

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