Nadine Pierce, a snapshot

By nadinepierce


Seeing as I'll be working Saturday I decided to take some time out (see, I'm getting a lot better at this self-care malarkey).

I went down to Dawyck Botanical Gardens first for a wander about (pictured) and then it was on to Stobo for some spa and ah - that said, I didn't really do much, just sat on a lounger by the pool and read a research book.

Then I went into Peebles to take a look at the shop I'd wanted to browse (nothing caught my eye), a quick scour of the charity shops (always looking for props/staging for my market stall but nothing going this time) and then on to the auction house to view the lots ahead of tomorrow's sale. Nothing jumping out but a wee cabinet-type thing that could work on my stall, will have a think on that one.

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