Flower Friday - Climber at the Park

More rain today but we had a sweet spot at the walk time and managed a nice time at the park for about 15 minutes before we had to skedaddle ; )
This plant is quite a big bush which has  sent out runners along the ground which have now climbed the fence, perfect for a Flower Friday phone blip!! ;o)

I’m very tired tonight and as usual there is a lovely big Saturday coming up tomorrow ; ). First thing we are heading out to get our flu shots as the dreaded lurgy is sweeping through the town. Lots of our customers have it and fingers crossed I dont get it as some of them are quite sick, sicker than when they had covid eeek!!!  

Then I’m heading into the city with Julian for lunch and a bit of a look around at what is apparently a ghost town! Sounds a bit sad but we’ll see if its now recovering a bit. Then we’ll have afternoon tea with G of course with cakes and what not, its the only day I allow myself some treats yummmm!!  

Happy weekend everybody I’ll catch up tomorrow night.  ; )xxx

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