Gwaith y Galon

Gwaith y Galon ~ Work of Heart

Photography captures a moment in time. Art captures time in a moment.”
—Joyce Wycoff

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Gwelodd Van Gogh fyd gwahanol - byd a oedd yn fywiog, yn llythrennol yn fyw - rhywsut cipiodd hwnnw gyda phaent ar gynfas. Rydyn ni wedi bod edmygu ei gwaith er tro, a nawr mae'n ar gael mewn a ffurf cerflun, diolch i Lego.

Cerddon ni i'r dre trwy’r parc y prynhawn 'ma dim ond i fynd i siop Lego. Doedd Nor'dzin ddim yn siŵr a fyddai hi'n hoffi'r set, neu os bydd hi eisiau fforddio fe, ond pan ei welodd e, roedd hi'n awyddus iawn arno. Fel roeddwn i'n 'dyled' anrheg Nadolig iddi (stori hir) roeddwn i'n hapus iawn i brynu fe, ac roedd hi'n hapus iawn i'w derbyn. Ar ôl y cyffro hwnnw aethon i i 'Cafe Rouge am bryd o fwyd cyn dal tacsi adre. Mae Nor'dzin yn edrych ymlaen at adeiladu'r llun - pan fydd ganddi amser.

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Van Gogh saw a different world - a world that was vibrant, literally alive - he somehow captured that with paint on canvas. We've always admired his work, and now it's available in the form of a sculpture, thanks to Lego.

We walked to town through the park this afternoon just to go to the Lego shop. Nor'dzin wasn't sure if she would liked the set, or if she wanted to afford it, but when he saw it, she was very keen on it. As I 'owed' her a Christmas present (long story) i was very happy to buy it, and she was very happy to receive it. After that excitement we went to Cafe Rouge for a meal before catching a taxi home. Nor'dzin is looking forward to building the picture - when she has time.

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