Random Musings

By RandomMusing

Big boy room

We decided when we moved to the new house Wee B would move not his own room. As he had been sleeping in with us, we had not bothered with making up a nursery.

Over the past couple of weeks I have been buying bits a s pieces to decorate the room and today B and I have put it together while R suffers on with the cold

We went with a dinosaur theme, so there is a dino lamp, pillow, rug, clock and money box as well as a couple of pictures. The final touch though we're some excellent removable decals.

We went for a couple of sets. One of which had this awesome height chart. It came in pieces but was really easy to put together and in about 10 minutes I had the whole thing up. I would definitely recommend these for a quick and easy way to decorate any small persons room. We picked from the infant range but they do some suitable for all ages

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