So stressed out over wheather to swap or stay put.

What I really want is to move out of Dundee. Hopefully to Arbroath.

So what is the easiest way to get there?

Stay put in this 3 bed house and hope I eventually get a swap to a 2 bed in Arbroath? (no luck yet after trying for 4 houses)...

Or downsize to this potential swap here in Dundee (in a crap area) and then when my eldest son moves in apply for a bigger house in Arbroath? (more chance as being over crouded rather than under occupying)...

Have to considder the fact that my eldest son will be moving back with me at the end of the year but I am happy for them to share as he probably wouldn't be there more than a year.

I also want to move sooner rather than later before Kade goes to high school and makes good friends that he will then have to move away from.

Oh what to do?


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