
Made a quick dash to the market, then along to the Links, to help out the Greens on their stall at Leith Gala Day. It was extremely windy - every leaflet, poster, can, clipboard etc had to be secured to the table with gaffer tape. Even then, folk were so keen to sign our hastily produced "Restore the 22 bus to Leith" petition that someone put his cup of coffee down on the table for a moment and the wind blew it over. Much improvised mopping - and I think I may have profited by a slightly coffee-stained t-shirt!

I was only there for a couple of hours, but felt quite exhausted. D arrived home early, but similarly exhausted - they'd taken advantage of a lack of visitors and started unofficially sweeping out the abbey. And also had a very lively Forth crossing, of course.

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