
Off to London today to finally see To Kill a Mockingbird which we had originally booked to see in 2020.

We met up with Adam and had a lovely lunch in a Japanese restaurant just off Carnaby Street. Then, as we still had some time to spare, we went to the Rapha cafe for coffee where Tomoko came to join us briefly. She wasn’t coming to the theatre with us as she thought it would be too hard to keep up with the dialogue - I think she was probably right.

The play was brilliant - funnier than expected but very poignant at the same time. It felt ok in the theatre - I wasn’t sure how I’d feel in amongst that many other people so I wore a mask, but it felt like there was plenty of ventilation anyway.

London was really busy - a sunny Saturday afternoon had brought everyone out - so I was very glad to get back on the train and get home!

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