
Somewhere in my Blips, probably three or four years ago, there's another photo which will be very similar to this, and that's from the last time we stayed in a room at Headingly. Neither the Minx nor I is a cricket fan but we almost talked ourselves into coming back when there is a match on.

We made an early start and I dropped her back in Salford before coming back up to Kirkby Lonsdale to record my radio show and get ready for my German lesson at five o'clock.

These lessons are casting less and less of a dark cloud over my Sundays as I've begun to get more confident about chatting in German. I resist the temptation to ask the tutor, Melanie, to speak more slowly, and I'm getting over my fear of getting things wrong, and I just go for it.

I'm still exhausted at the end of the hour, though!

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