A thousand stars

I met up with my best friend in Stratford today. After lunch we had a tour behind the scenes at the RSC theatre. It was just the two of us and absolutely fascinating. We saw wardrobe, & the stage being set up for the upcoming production of Richard III.
The original 19c building opened in 1879 and burned down in 1926. It was then rebuilt in the Art Deco style in 1932 with a female lead architect. Then in the 2000s the original building was remodelled to accommodate 21c health and safety still preserving the wonderful features.
See here for more info https://cdn2.rsc.org.uk/sitefinity/press-resources/rsc-history-2011.pdf?sfvrsn=f51a5921_2

This sculpture is in the Swan Wing and is a model made up of a 1000 stars to represent Romeo from the quote from Juliet “Give me my Romeo; and, when he shall die, Take him and cut him out in little stars, And he will make the face of heaven so fine That all the world will be in love with night And pay no worship to the garish sun."

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