From Stang End Farm

Up at 5.15am for a 7am start for the marathon (1 extra is the view from the tent just before we left) and met my friend at the start. It was still quite windy and the wind seemed colder, too.
We set off together but L is faster than me so once she'd got into a steady rhythm she went at her own pace and was soon out of sight and not to be seen until the end. (She'd hoped I'd start for this very reason as she was afraid of going off to fast). I wasn't sure how the recent Covid would affect me but I hoped to get to Tarn Hows, at least.
I felt quite good for the first 8 or so miles with views up Little Langdale once out of the woods near this farm, and was, if anything, fractionally faster than last year. At Tarn Hows I began to struggle a bit, though this happened last year and then improved so I kept on going after Mr Rat had provided tea and encouragement, to the next feed/marshal station at 12 miles. My time was still okay but it seemed to be getting harder work and I debated the second half. There was still quite a lot of hill and the wind had got up a bit and would be against me for several miles. 
I decided the best thing would be to set off again and see how it was after another half mile or so - but then developed tightness in my calf and so I decided it wasn't wise to carry on over the exposed section, a shame as the second half is lovely.
Back down to the marshals to tell them I was pulling out but could get myself back, and then a long run downhill to Coniston and a run/walk back to the start/finish area. One on the flat I was sure I'd made the right decision as my legs really had had enough.
However, I managed 26.8k (so at least the magic number!), further than I thought I might and helped L to get underway.
The second extra is of her finishing, under 6 hours in her first marathon, only slightly slower than the fastest in her age group, and a year ago she hadn't done more than about 5K. It gave as much pleasure as finishing myself.
We met up at the pub later for a celebratory drink, she deserved it!

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