Newcastle Downunder

By jensphotos


Backblipped Tuesday 14 June

I went to Vivid last night. I just hung around Circular Quay but this installation with the birds was a highlight and the one I was really looking for.  I found it magical.  It was three panels with a video showing on them and a black reflective "pool" of glass below it which is what gives the reflections of the birds. 

It concentrated on galahs, red tailed black cockatoos and sulfur crested cockatoos, probably filmed in slow motion at a water hole where they were drinking and drops were sprayed.  A gentle music accompanied the projection.  It was good for the soul.

There were crowds but they were not too bad.  It was interesting chatting to a woman on the ferry who said that there was a lot less on display now compared to the beginning and Darling Harbour had virtually nothing.  I might check it out for myself though over the next two nights and I wouldn't mind seeing what was at Barrangaroo.   I have also put some extras up of the more usual places and a few more of the birds.

A reminder that Tiny Tuesday's tag today is #TT368 and there is no optional theme.  Looking forward to seeing your blips but I will leave the results until Friday when I hopefully will be back home in Newy.

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