
By wingpig

better late than never

Eight 'til eight indeed. Should hopefully be worth it to prevent additional questioning next week. At least after seven the horrible lighting is switched off so that the lovely natural evening light can be perceived. I assume that somewhere in the world there is an office which either uses completely natural light or which mimics it so effectively in colour temperature and tone that people who notice such things would not notice that they're trapped inside in a manky box with a crap mix of high-heat low-light incandescent and fluourescent lighting so far removed from the sunlight under which we evolved. At least now that winter is over I need not worry so much about getting outside for at least half an hour at lunch just to prevent internal seasonal head-gloom. Still nice to get outside although I was limted today to a walk to and from a nearby foodpub by a pre-arranged project-work thanks-lunch paid for by boss'sboss. Amusingly despite the initial arrangements being made months ago the project is still the ongoing moving-goalpost pain-in-the-arse it was in January.

Too late to do anything useful upon leaving though I managed a brief wander past a House of Lenses and caught up with Ideal before Nicky returned from workpub. Just need to pack now...

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