In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

Bucket T

After lunch at JRD'S , we went through to their garden dept. to get some vermiculite so June could get her tomato seeds planted.
We ended up buying a weeping cherry tree for the front of the house. That entailed also buying an 8 ft stake and ties and tree compost. We are not planting it until next week as it was too windy today.
So whilst June was doing her potting, I filled about 21 buckets of our own organically made compost, some of which are featured here, and emptied them into various raised beds. Some went in a huge planting pot for use later on.
Once the compost container was empty, I moved the compost from the other one, it has not all broken down yet, the empty one is now ready for putting all our veggie waste and I started it off with shredded paper and the cut-down shredded gooseberry bush stems. The latter have been lying out drying for some time.
June then emptied the horse radish pot, which even after 3 years has not been too successful. I made some horse radish mayonnaise with some small roots, and the rest is going into our friend's restaurant, Cafe 52.
June is now making a pot of chilli, which we are going to enjoy whilst watching the rest of True Grit, which we didn't manage to finish last night due to tiredness catching us.

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