
By DramaQueen

Green around the gills

I’ve had a few crappy days, but I’ve been back at work today so that’s a good sign.

The food poisoning has finally cleared me out and the piriton has worked an absolute treat on the stings, so I’m hoping I’m right now for the rest of the year.

I had an ominous message from Linda last night saying she needed to go through some things with me, so I spent a restless night worrying about what I’ve done wrong; had they realised they don’t need me after all…..good old imposter syndrome strikes again!

Turns out, it was nothing to do with me; in fact my absence has been felt and I was greeted with huge smiles and a warm welcome this morning.

The big news was that the trainee (that one) is no longer with us. As much as I don’t want anyone to fail in life, we are all pretty glad she’s gone and we can get on better without her.
I was beginning to think she only played up for me, so I’m glad Linda finally saw what I’ve been telling her for months.

It’s been a glorious day all round and the algae blooming in the marina has turned the water a vivid shade of green :-0

DQ x

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