
By SuffolkBumble

Camino Day 0: The Way to prepare

So from the airport we got a bus from Madrid to Leon at 1am in the morning. I can't sleep on transport. Therefore I didn't sleep. Instead I watched The Avengers in Spanish. It was still awesome!

Whilst Dave slept in the hotel, myself, Emma, Owen and Stef explored Leon Cathedral and, most importantly, the cake shops. We went to the most amazing little patisserie just around the corner from the Cathedral to prepare for the days ahead by eating cake. Many, many cakes. Well a slice of pizza and three cakes - the ones in front of me in the photo in face. Until me and Stef returned later to get more cakes! The cream was sensationally light, the pastry magnificent and the entire lot was not too sickly, just perfect.

A great way to boost the energy after no sleep and with many miles of walking ahead.

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