Ystafell gyda golygfa

Ystafell gyda golygfa ~ Room with a view

“Photographs had the advantage of uniting two contradictory features. Their credentials of objectivity were inbuilt. Yet they always had, necessarily, a point of view.”
—Susan Sontag

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Roedd diwrnod poeth heddiw ac roedd rhaid i mi agor y ffenestr yn fy ogof bach myfyrdod... Roedd da iawn teimlo ychydig o awel.

Yn ddiweddarach roedd rhaid i mi wneud siŵr bod ein coed ffrwythau wedi cael digon o ddŵr. Mae'r grawnwin yn sfferau bach iawn ar hyn o bryd a wnaethon ni colli nhw'r llynedd oherwydd roedd y tywydd rhy sych. Rydyn ni'n gobeithio tyfu grawnwin yn llwyddiannus eleni. Rydw i'n gobeithio am ychydig o law.

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Today was a hot day and I had to open the window in my little meditation cave ... It was good to feel a little breeze.

Later I had to make sure our fruit trees were well watered. The grapes are very small spheres at the moment and we lost them last year because the weather was too dry. We hope to grow grapes successfully this year. I'm hoping for a little rain.

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