A long wait lies ahead

Came north today. For the first time in a wee while. After a quick lunch I went in to Warkworth, stopping first at the Photo shop. The young man who owns and runs this business is one of the most helpful people I've met dealing with photography. Always helpful. Great advice. 

So I took my Pentax and went in. Showed the toung woman assistant, and said I wanted to seek Colin's advice about the damage to it. He heard and asked to be shown it. Immediately took the lens off (which I was unable to do!!!) and said that the camera was alright, and we can check out the lens, which may be reparable.. 

Checked the camera with another lens, and it works, and therefore took it with me on a jog along the low tide of the Snell's Beach flats.Which is where I got today's blip

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