Global Attitude

By GlobalAttitude

Sweet Scent of Home

I love when the cherry blossoms begin to bloom! Back in Washington DC thousands of beautiful cherry blossom trees grow throughout the city. They were a gift from Japan in 1912. Each year the capital hosts a fantastic week-long national cherry blossom festival, with a parade, 10k race, international performing artists on outdoor stages, and all these magnificent trees bursting with every shade of pink imaginable. So I took it as a sign that we landed in the right new home, when we found a house on a street lined with cherry blossom trees! And this particular one is planted in our back yard.

Typical blooming lasts about 2 weeks. We are just a few days into this one's season, so expect more blips this month. The trees out front are further behind, so I will probably enjoy their peak in early May :)

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