
I was given this cactus as a gift over 3 years ago and it's flowering for the first time. 

I have had some pain relief and improvement in some ways, walking in general is easier and I slept better, there were no pains waking me up, but I still can't stand or walk about for very long at all. For example, I made a sandwich for my lunch and I could feel the pain creeping in 4,5,6,7,8,9,10 level, and then I just have to sit down, so that side of it is no better, I know I have another week of possible improvement so Im not going to judge it yet, but I'm wondering if this is the pain from the S1 that causes the problem of standing and the other pains shooting down my leg etc are from L5? because that pain is easier. 

Time will tell. But I'm impatient.

The tiny cactus is in the extra.

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