
By SuffolkBumble

Camino Day 2: Needed on the Way

Rabanal to Molinaseca - JBD = 26.5km

One thing you do not want to lose on the way is your walking boots. Especially when you are trekking over mountain passes and it is snowing like crazy! Although Dave was happy - we snuck into a cafe in Foncebadon as we were really getting the cold hit us and he found tea. He almost hugged the guy behind the bar. It was kinda surreal, snow falling in the Spanish mountains, we were out on our trek, five pilgrims in a cafe. And Resident Evil was on the TV behind us. Strangeness.

We carried onto the Cruz de Ferro where Pilgrims traditionally leave a rock to add to the growing pile. We all brought one from home and placed them down and had our own moments at the cross, remembering those we have loved and lost.

We kept going, Stef, Owen and I taking a random detour up a steep slope for the fun of it, before stopping off for an epic lunch in the company of a beautiful puppy dog who really did not want to leave the warmth of the fire it was hiding under but was nudged aside by the owner of the place of logs were placed in preparation in its resting spot.

We reached Molinaseca in the evening and messed about on its beautiful bridge before settling into a lovely little albergue and heading out for a splendid menu of the day. When in Spain, go on Camino and eat the menu's of the day. You will feel like a king!

I truly hope someone left these boots on purpose still!

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