Helena Handbasket

By Tivoli

I have left the hateful job. It wasn't as awful an experience as I feared because the spineless line manager maintains pleasantries whilst face-to-face even though she is no stranger to firing off caustic direct messages whilst working off-site. I was even given this rather lovely little pot rose.
I had completed all the tasks scheduled for my 12 month contract despite the fact that I have been there for only 20 weeks. The only task I could not complete ahead of time is the constant real-time drawing changes made every time someone joins, leaves, moves desk or changes their name. Quite why these updates are expected three times a day in UK when they are updated only monthly in the rest of Europe is beyond me, but it justifies her having an assistant which is really just a status symbol for herself, a bit like a pet pony.
But feet have been stamped and the pony has galloped away.

The previous most awful job I had was in 2009 when someone who owned a villa on a hill overlooking our house thought it would be a clever idea to employ my spouse as their villa manager and then employ me as their housekeeper, reporting to my spouse. Not a good idea. I was paid the princely sum of 5€/hour to clean a six-berth villa from top to bottom, including changing the bed-linen, defrosting and cleaning the fridge, cleaning the oven and 32 windows inside and out. I had six hours to complete this task every week throughout summer.

When I moved from Chatham to Henley the Chatham letting agent tried to contra-charge me £100 for what anyone else would regard as reasonable wear and tear. We had a row about it and the landlord stepped in siding with me. I don't want to go through that nonsense again in Henley because I know that both the landlord and the letting agent are a great deal less pleasant than the ones in Chatham, so this time I thought I might get someone in to do a professional end-of-tenancy clean, not that the place is showing any signs of wear and tear, I don't even touch the walls. Luckily the person who has the approval of the letting agent is also a close friend of my next-door neighbour so I have asked her to quote for the job. She popped round to inspect the flat, noting how tiny and clean it is, and has come back to me with a quotation for £270. I am horrified!

I know that if I don't accept this quotation the letting agent will deduct even more than that from my deposit for nonsensical reasons and they have me over a barrel.

I shan't be sorry to see the back of Henley.

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