Tech Marketing Guy

By tmg


For the first time in ages, I was able to sneak out for 45 minutes to do a midday blip. I went to a favorite spot and found it completely overgrown with grass. The problem with grassy places is that ticks are everywhere and lyme disease is a major problem in these parts. Fortunately, I was properly protected. Most importantly, I loved getting out for the midday walk and enjoyed the peaceful rural environment.

This is the second dandelion shot in the series with the first being here. I wanted to capture the next stage in the flower's maturation and something more abstract. The interesting patterns and soft flowing tendrils in the shot are pleasing to my eye. I think that they endow the image with a sense of peace.

Today is a busy sports day in New England -- Go Bruins, Red Sox and Celtics!

No photoshop here just basic contrast and saturation

Constructive criticism always welcome

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