Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Muffiny picnic!

Its sunny!! :O)

Mags and I got chocolate muffins from M&S and a Starbucks and went down to sit by the riverside today, which was really lovely.

Down by the river in Inverness, just past where Eden Court is, there's an area of bridges and wee patches of land called 'The Islands' which stretches right across the river and all the way down to Whin Park. Its really beautiful and the perfect place for a good wander and lots of photos on a nice sunny day :o)

I had far too many snaps to choose from so it was really hard to choose my blip ( here are some of the others) but I rather liked this flame haired girl disappearing behind the tree with her very cool polka dot bag!

Had a really brilliant day, I'm utterly exhausted now but quite happy!

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