Rest Day

I woke up very early and decided to see the dawn from the roof of the Trullo. I did, I took photos, but none of them were very pleasing. 

When I got up to make breakfast I had to battle with several ants. This is pretty normal for the Trullo. The ants mostly stay outside but really piss me off when they come inside. What’cha gonna do?

After breakfast, we tried to go to two antique markets, only to find that they weren’t where they were meant to be. By this time we were both very hot and beginning to get cranky. We came home. And it rained. A lot.

Later in the afternoon I decided to swim, despite the rain. The first dive in was colder than usual, but it was so worth it. I’ve swum every day for two weeks now and it never fails to reset my equilibrium. 

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