Paxton House concert

Mr C reluctantly agreed to accompany me on the U3A minibus for a day’s outing to Paxton House, just over the border.

They had arranged a private tour of the Palladian mansion followed by a performance by the Phoenix Duo, Josiah Duhistine, cello, and Catriona MacKenzie, piano. They are part of Live Music Now Scotland, whose mission is to bring high quality live music to people throughout Scotland and support emerging artists. The MacMillan (James, born 1959) was very noisy but exciting too. What a stunning performance - the cellist said he used his second best bow as he broke his best on this piece last time). The other pieces were Beethoven, Dvorak and Debussy.

The guide who took us round the house did not shirk from the way the wealth came from slave plantations. The Homes, (pronounced Humes) are a branch of the Hirsel Douglas-Homes. A Campbell of Islay, where Mr C’s father came from, was also involved in the plantation. Unfortunately we did not get time to read all the information and photographs were banned.

The young Home, who built the house, went on a grand tour in the 18th century and brought many treasures back including the oldest outfit left from a Prussian court event. The costumes were exquisite. Also the house still has the most Chippendale furniture in Scotland, perhaps even the world. It’s amazing the treasures are so well documented and still there. The ceilings were Adam. The house and contents have been made over to a trust now and I recommend a visit if you are ever in the area.

In the afternoon we had the concert in the picture gallery where the art on view has been loaned by the National Galleries of Scotland, ranging from old masters to Scottish colourists such a Peploe. There was a huge portrait of the first Marquess of Breadalbane, another Campbell, who was a merchant out of Glasgow and who got rich on the slave trade.

Mr C loved the day out but thinks he’ll not go on Who Do You Think You Are. The ancestors don’t look good. Neither do mine - after listening to Melvyn Bragg on about David I of Scotland, it appears he and the Cistercian monks created the Sheriffs to collect taxes.

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