and through the wire...

By hesscat

Girder Bridge

It may have just been yesterday Arlo and I were here, but Ms H asked where I might want to go for a walk. It was windy and sunny, and yesterday proved it was a sun trap, and she had never been so off we went. While Ms H and I walked across it, Arlo and Mrs C took the river route. On the way back Mrs C pondered walking across, so while I was walking across explaining "all you have to do is don't look down" I began to think about it too much and looked down, eek, I had to recompose myself and Mrs C said, nah.

Mrs C and I were off to see Stewart Lee tonight, named by The Times as "as the best current English-language comedian in the world" which he drops in his act multiple times. If I ever die laughing, it will be Stewart Lee's fault, and I'm ok with that.

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