Amselkind takes a Break

And just like Amselkind the heat took a break today and it was sooooo welcome!

Very little rain last night, but in the morning a short but heavy thunderstorm. I was on the phone just before 7:30 am (working from home today) when it suddenly became dark and I couldn't finish the phone call quick enough to avoid the worst: The downpour was so heavy and all the water found its way in not only one or two, but three open windows. I had to wipe all floors dry; everything was under water and it was one big (wet) mess.
But only a short intermezzo, the heat will return tomorrow, but I hope not as bad as it was over the weekend. I don't need that again.

Back to Amselkind: I heard it all week, but today I saw it for the first time. I wonder if it was happy about the lower temperatures, too. It was just sitting there for a while, watching the world go by. And luckily no cats.
Right now I can hear it again, hidden somewhere under the shrubs (or the lilac again).

18:40; 21°C

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