What a day!

Not the best day but the outcome could have been so much worse!
 Fletch was off colour , very subdued and could hardly move  
He was full of beans yesterday and in the evening. 
It was like having a different dog.. I phoned the vet to make an appointment only to discover she has left the practice and the only main vet is away till Thursday. I was offered an appointment  with a locum at 5 30. 
I've been with their vets since 1985 but the original vets are long since retired and what was a privately  owned  vets is now a small cog in the wheel of a huge company.

The dog walker chap in our street recommended Archway vets.. 22 miles away but it has an excellent reputation and is privately  owned and he takes his dogs there. So I phoned them. Fletchs' appointment was 2:30 . What a very long morning it was. 
He'd slowly painfully walked outside and lay in the shade all morning without moving. 
M and I were besides ourselves with worry.

We set off only to find a huge tailback of traffic at the edge of town ( ?accident) so I had to drive back and take the coast road route . Luckily we arrived in  Lindale on time. The vet was very thorough but really wasnt sure what could be wrong. As Fletch had a temperature she decided to give him an anti inflammatory  painkiller  jab. If he doesnt improve weve to go back tomorrow  and leave him for blood tests.

As we almost got home, Fletch seemed to finalllly perk up and when we got in he was hungry , ate something and more importantly  drank some water. 
He even had a short stroll into the garden.. and seemed to be walking without pain. The jab works like magic!

I just really hope he stays ok. 


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