Natividad and Teresita


Today is Lola Letty's birthday. She is based in Omaha, Nebraska. She is retired but she is a doctor who graduated top of her class from Unibersidad de Sta.Isabel, Naga City and specialized in Internal Medicine (not sure where) but she has been living alone for decades and it is a family tradition to gather and contact her on special occasions. * Her birthday happen to coincide with Father's day and it is also Jose Rizal's (National Hero) birthday. * Am digressing, I know, it is just that coincidences and synchronicities make me smile. My Mama (Maria Elena Teresita) is a few years older than Lola Naty (Natividad). They went to our local church to attend a thanksgiving mass. B accompanied them while T stayed with Gramps and Chew. Meanwhile, I had to make sure our kitchen is clean (no dishes left in the sink).
P(i)a: I thought you're into ants?
T: I still am. It's just that I'm procrastinating ant farming!
P(i)a: *laughter*
Will make an effort to add a couple photos from this day in rhe extras.

Have a good one!

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