Farewell To Telford


Bl**dy COVID rears it ugly head again…..

We went to see Mrs madwill’s brother again…or at least we tried to. When we arrived at the ward they said that they were not letting visitors in as they had had a COVID outbreak and were shutting down. Turns out that three of the six patients in the ward bay where he is staying had tested positive, including Mrs madwill’s brother. On the plus side he was much improved from yesterday..communicating and moving about, although we never got see him.

So now we wait and see…hopefully he can pull through this one….and, although we were cooped up in the ward bay in sweltering temperatures for 3 hours yesterday, we have to hope that we have not caught it. We were masked, gloved and gowned during our stay, but obviously we were sitting very close to him….it’s a waiting game now. 

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