In An Instant

By MrRosewarne

'Techie Stuff'

An early start this morning, left home well before sunrise and was at work by 7:15am. I am working on a refurbishment project out at La Trobe University in the Physical Sciences building, and needed to get some drawings ready to take out to a measure up this afternoon.

While out at the Uni doing the measuring I came across one of the rooms we're going to refurbish which was absolutely choka-block full of all these old instruments which I assume aren't being used any more, but thought they looked pretty interesting. There was so much stuff in here that I could hardly move around the room which made any measuring up pretty difficult.

I'm pretty sure that all this stuff would have been worth a small fortune when first purchased by the Uni.

Dylan & Bella had their first piano lessons after school today, and I think they must have enjoyed it as they wanted to show me what they had learned to play before they went to bed tonight. Hope they can keep it up until they've at least learned all the basics.

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