On (and in) the water

The weather was fine, warm temperatures and very little wind - definitely the time for my first try out the new Stand Up Paddling (SUP) board.
I spent a lot more time on the board than I did in the water so I reckon that a success.  I started of kneeling and that went well, so after ten minutes or so I tried standing up - splash! I climbed back onto the board and tried again. That went better and I paddled around for about ten minutes before something went wrong - splash.
Another 45 minutes of experimentation and by then I was getting tired so I returned to the shore. My legs felt exhausted because they were working hard balancing out all the wobbles. Enough for today.
I'm very happy paddling kneeling up, I've learned to climb on to the board in deep water (plenty of training today) and I've spent a fair bit of time standing up and paddling. Now I need to practice so my muscles learn what they need to learn. I'm at the toddling stage, next I learn to walk.
More fun tomorrow I guess.
We've packed the van for our trip tomorrow. The plan is to get up, have a cup of tea, and then drive to Viksjö lake where we'll meet Livia and Roger to celebrate midsummer, enjoy van-life, and fall off the SUP again.

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