
We doze on and off throughout the night until we’re delivered blinkingly half awake to London Victoria bus station. And then we’re decanted onto the bus to Glastonbury and spirits rise - the ordinary travellers are left behind; this is the party bus. Though somehow two old people have managed to get on it. Us.
After an absurdly hot bus transfer to Worthy Campsite, we’re in our tent by 3pm. By five past I’ve managed to scout some ice cold beers, thank gawd. And then off we trot - what a terrific humongous spectacle it all is. Especially after the last couple of years. We thought we’d catch Eavis’s set but his gig is mobbed so we catch some jazz at the Bandstand - Run Logan Run. Then the climb back to Strummerville for Jesse Malin followed by Ferris & Sylvester. Big names, all. And a fish finger butty to end the day! Can it get any better?

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