
Today we did some of the things that we don't get to do during a normal school day.

First we cycled to the swimming pool for a swim, where we enjoyed the added music because aqua aerobics was on too.

We then headed across to the library.

We first went into next door Morrison's for lunch in the cafe and to choose a Muller Corner for with CyclopsJnr's tea.

Then onwards to the library where we exchanged CyclopsJnr's books and selected nine new ones. We very much enjoyed a nice browse and a chat with the librarian. CyclopsJnr mentioned to him that he had read a book about David Bowie (he saw one on the Pride week display) and the librarian kindly showed him several other kiddie biographies and CyclopsJnr borrowed one about Muhammad Ali. The librarian also signed CyclopsJnr up for the summer reading challenge. If he reads six books during the holidays he will receive a medal. He was a lovely librarian, that was all so nice.

We then went home in time to go out for the Play Rangers. While we waited for them to turn up we played a bit of basketball on the court, and CyclopsJnr played football with another kid that was waiting too.

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