Strange behaviour

Yesterday, we were up early again for a trip to Bournemouth. We picked up some shopping for my father in law, had lunch together and then we all went to the hospital to see my mother in law. Compared to Exeter hospital where I had my operation recently, Bournemouth hospital is a mammoth sprawl. I was lucky to see a wheelchair being returned to the entrance which we needed for my father in law, because the entrance is a long way from the wards. My mother in law was pleased to see us, remained lucid for a while and then she was off with the fairies making up these imaginary stories. She had fallen again in the morning but hadn’t been offered any painkillers. Between my husband’s brother who has an elderly father in law living at home with assistance, our eldest son whose mother in law is now in a care home, my father in law and ourselves, we are trying to work out a plan so they can continue living at home. They are both reluctant to move into a care home. I thought I had cracked it as I found out that the local council offer a lifting service in the home if someone falls over but at the moment they don’t offer the area where my in-laws live but they intend to in the future which doesn’t help us. It was a full on day. Today I visited both Exmouth and Sidmouth which I have never done in one day before. The herring gulls were all dipping their heads in the seawater as I passed over the bridge. In the past three days I have managed to walk over four miles each day so I am quickly returning to fitness. 

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