Bunny land!!

Ozzy, my very gorgeous golden retriever boyfriend, went home today. Boohoo! We've had such a lovely time together.

This afternoon, before he went home, we went to the dunes for our walk. The dunes are fabulous. I call the dunes, 'bunny land'. There are zillions & zillions of bunnies on the dunes. There are sooooo many bunnies I never know which one to chase first.

I was hoping that Ozzy would help me catch one. But do you know what? ..............Ozzy did a lot of aimless running about but he didn't seem to want to get involved in my very clever cunning plan to catch a bunny.

My very clever cunning plan involved me going into loads of prickly bushes Ozzy's too much of a wimp to do that and flushing the bunnies out so that Ozzy could catch them. However, Ozzy didn't seem to want to play at catching bunnies. ..............So once I'd flushed the bunnies out of all the prickly bushes I had to go chasing myself ............................ but it took me ages to get out of the prickly bushes ......................... by which time the bunnies were miles away.

Oh well, ho hum, I've had the best afternoon ever.

Totally exhausted now.


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