Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

He's back! He didn't stop talking for about two hours and said he didn't miss his phone at all! He's had such a brilliant week - been to Disney land, a chocolate factory, The Somme battleground and a French market. The teachers praised his behaviour and said he had taken it upon himself to pick up everyone's litter leaving the château which made me so proud. He's firmed up some very good friendships this week. So good to have him home.

Struggled today. Couldn't stop thinking about Caspar. My heart hurts. I took some flowers round for his mum but she was at work so I went round the back and left them in the garden- he's usually waiting by the gate for me and it was horrible opening the gate and him not being there. It's going to take a while. 

Tonight we were supposed to go to the B's to celebrate Jo's 50th but poor Wilf got a stomach bug so it was postponed :0( Diverted to the A's instead - the lit the pizza oven and we had a nice evening sat in their garden. Needed to be with friends tonight. 

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